The Harrisburg School District Education Foundation is the philanthropic partner with the Harrisburg School District. We support all schools, students and staff in the District by aligning charitable gifts with projects that need funding to provide enhanced educational opportunities. We promote excellence in education by forging relationships between the District, alumni, community and local businesses. The Harrisburg School District Education Foundation partners with the South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) for the professional management of its funds.

The Education Foundation Supports
the Entire Harrisburg School District.

Cash | Check |
Deliver your cash gift to: | Mail your check to: |
Credit Card | Payroll Deduction |
You can make your donation | HSD Staff members can initiate |

Online Donations
Gifts to the Harrisburg School District Education Foundation are Tax Deductible.
SDCF absorbs credit card fees for donations to endowed funds.
Choose Where to Give
Both the Annual Fund & the Endowment Fund support the following initiatives:
Special Projects Supporting Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Supporting Innovative Programs
Professional Development for Educators
Educational Enrichment Activities for Students
Culture and Cohesion Experiences for Staff and/or Students
Pre-School Education
The Annual Fund
The Annual Fund supports two primary initiatives, in addition to those mentioned above:
Student Success Fund
Social workers in the District work closely with students and families in need. The Student Success Fund is used to meet emergency needs of students and families in crisis.
First-Time Teacher Grants
The Education Foundation provides first-year teachers with grant monies to purchase materials for their classroom.
The Endowment Fund
The Harrisburg School District Education Foundation has an endowment established with the South Dakota Community Foundation. Donations to the endowment are placed in a long-term investment pool.
Each year, a portion of the fund’s average fair market value is used to support the initiatives listed above.
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Donor Recognition
Thank you to these donors for their generous support of the HSD Education Foundation; their contribution is helping us provide quality education and opportunities for the students in our Harrisburg community.
Special Recognition Levels
Donor Levels
Foundation Members
Daren Ketcham | President | Legacy Developments
Amber Langner | Vice President | | Sanford Health
Linda Dunham | Past President | The Dunham Group
JoAnne VerMulm | Secretary | Harrisburg School District
Trent Bruce | DGR Engineering
Tim Graf | Harrisburg School District
Jay Hutton | Harrisburg School Board
Mike Knudson | Harrisburg School Board
Breanne Lynch | Harrisburg School District