Registering a New Family

Currently, our District has one high school. As such, there are no school boundaries for high school students.
Register a New Student
Items Needed to Register

Items can be scanned and emailed to Jean Hudson, faxed or brought into the District Office to be copied.
Fax: 605-743-2569
200 East Willow Street, Harrisburg
East Side of Building, District Office Entrance
Birth Certificate
Proof of Immunizations
2 Current Proof of Address (ie. Rental Agreement, Purchase Agreement, Utility Statement, Tax Statement, Homeowner/Renters Insurance Policy, etc.)
Parent Government Issued Photo ID (ie. Drivers License or Passport)
Online Registration Instructions
The registration works best on a tablet or on a computer. If you do not have access to one, you can complete the registration at your childâs school.
Begin the process by clicking here. â ď¸ Make sure you have disabled all pop-up blockers.
Click on the Start New Registration button to begin the process.

Fill out all information on the first screen.
Verify the Registration Year is the correct year.
If you have difficulty reading the letters/numbers displayed in the Captcha box, you can click on the blue circles to generate a new box with different letters/numbers.
Click on Begin Registration.

Write down your confirmation number. If your session becomes disconnected, you will need this number to re-enter the registration system.
Click Confirm when you are ready to proceed.

Type your first and last name in the box.
â ď¸ PLEASE NOTE: By typing your name into the box and completing the enrollment application, you are attesting that you are the person authenticated into the application or an authorized user of the account, and the data you are entering/verifying is accurate and true to the best of your knowledge.
Click Submit when you are ready to proceed.
Then click the Begin button.
Fill in all the information for each tab. Click Next or Save/Continue at the bottom of each section.

â ď¸ PLEASE NOTE: If a red text box impedes your view of any questions or answers, simply click on the red box and it should go away.

When all tabs have been completed, click Submit. Your Online Registration has now been submitted to the district.
We will need you to email the following documents to your assigned school office or to the Business Office, to be able to process your Online Registration:
Birth Certificate
Parentâs Government Issued ID (driver's license, passport)
TWO of the following documents (must be current): water bill, electric bill, tax statement, lease/purchase agreement, homeownerâs insurance statement, property tax statement
If your online registration session is interrupted for any reason, follow these steps:
Go to the Registration Link.
Click on Return to Saved Registration.

Fill out all information. Your Confirmation Number is what you wrote down previously.
Click Begin Registration and you should be able to continue the online registration process.